Thursday, August 11, 2011

Hitting Rock Bottom

Around this time 8 years ago I hit rock bottom in a job search.  I had been out of work since February and couldn't find anything.  I thought I could work in a bank but they wanted cash handling experience, which I thought I had none.  In reality I did, I was cookie manager for the Girl Scout troop I was leading for about 2 years at that time.  I was in bed looking at the classifieds when I saw an ad for a hiring open house.  It was for Borders.  

8 years later I find myself in a similar place.  I have put out at least 20+ applications and have had no call backs, until yesterday.  I received a call from one place, but they are asking me to give up Tuesday nights which I refuse to so.  Chorus was there when I didn't have a job, I will do my best to keep it in my life.

Today I received another call from a potential employer, this time I was pre-screened and then asked to take a short assessment online.  I did and now I actually have an interview somewhere.  Will I get a job there, I don't know.  But it gives me hope that I am not a lost cause.

I never really mentioned this before, but the day of the open house, I almost didn't go.  I was so upset about not finding anything that I was thinking what the point was.  But I did go and I did end up getting the job.  

What would have happened to me if I didn't go, well I'm grateful I don't know the answer to that.  Instead I have a large amount of friends who I happen to work with.  Borders has been one of the best things that has happened to me.  I got to share my love of reading (which by the way I have been doing for almost 30 years now), and make a living doing it.  I am so sad that I won't have that joy anymore, but I am glad that another door is starting to open.

I guess what I'm trying to say, is that sometimes you have to hit rock bottom, to fully enjoy what you have and what you are striving to get back.

1 comment:

  1. I, too, managed a retail store for 8 years and while I didn't like it, it was where I met the wonderful man who would become my husband. When I look back at how I ended up here, that is a convoluted story, but I am thankful for where I am. A little more than 3 years ago my husband was let go from the company where he had worked for 21 year - It was devastating at the time, but so many things have happened since that would not have been possible had he still been there. We don't always end up where we think we want to be, but rather we are put where we need to be at the time. Good luck on your interview!
