Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Soo I haven's posted in a while....

First to anyone who is still following me and doesn't know about it yet I'd like to draw your attention to this blog http://booksellerswithoutborders.blogspot.com/.  It's the bookselling blog that my friends (former co-workers) and I have to share our love of books with others.

I am currently unemployed and have been since Sept 15th.  I have gone on several interviews with no luck.  in about 2 months my unemployment benefits run out.

Some happy news though making this transition a bit stressful is that shortly after I lost my job I discovered I'm expecting.  My husband and I are happy, but nervous at the aspect of becoming new parents and my finding a job since apparently nobody wants to hire a 20 week pregnant lady, no matter how good her resume is, or how hard she will work!

So that is all with me....remember follow http://booksellerswithoutborders.blogspot.com/